
Rursus est Pan deus magnus mortuus  *

scripsit B Wooki


In the rejection email, [the representative of the Norwegian employer wrote]:

“The Norse background of most of the guys at the management level means that we are not a Christian organization, and most of us actually  see Christianity as having destroyed our culture, tradition and way of life.”

The new cultural & spiritual aeon now coming in in effect makes “satanic” the sacred images & shibboleths of the preceding setup.

This is an interesting phenomenon & it has indeed been seen before in the long beat of the SUCCESSION of cultures.

Another precursor of “the Age of Aquarius” now indeed on us & one that many of us will resist angrily even seeing clearly, one symptomatic of this SAME demonization, only now of the “One God,” is to be found in Continue Reading »

Pollyanna Says….

Pollyanna Says, “MAYBE it will ‘work’…!”

lll^ __ ^lll


Pollyanna says…

There IS a great crisis in emotionally meaningful moral development of young human beings in our North Atlantic world; like it or not, I perceive that in the majority of cases that early religious training more often than not still is what touches more lastingly the deep bases of an actual moral feeling.  Continue Reading »

Pollyanna Says…


(((^ __ ^)))


Pollyanna says…

“THESE performers simply outdo ALL of the other made-for-Tee Vee ‘psychologists’…
“…so, ‘Dr’ Phil…here is YOUR bus ticket…now scram…go AWAY!

“…just saying.”

(((^ __ ^)))

[Bodwyn Wook

[all rights revert to holders

[5 October 2014]


Pollyanna Says…


lll^ __ ^lll


Pollyanna says…

…she being just back from an excursion to England,  ‘like honestiores, like humiliores…

…just saying’.

lll^ __ ^lll

[Bodwyn Wook

[all rights revert to holders

[5 October 2014]


Pollyanna Says…


(((^ __ ^)))


Pollyanna says…

“Here, in Minnesota, I often go about without glasses on now, though very shortsighted….

“When people that I know vaguely ask where are my spectacles, I reply in the words of our late mother who thirty-some years ago quit wearing HERS:

“‘THIS way, by God…I don’t have to LOOK at it!’

“That reply, I notice, DOES tend to knock those acquaintances that are, in a phrase of the late Rom-Baron, Bodissey Edward Unspiek, ‘real normal’ pretty far back on their asses, there.

Pretty quick as a rule, though, they spring rebarbatively to supply some ‘wise’ advice such as ‘Well…DON’T get your fool self ran OVER, then!’

Next, rather inevitably, they go on to chortle at all that delight in that middle range-IQ way that over a lifetime of bitter experience one HAS come to associate (pretty remorselessly) with a pearly opalescent rope of (you GUESSED it!) snot suddenly gleaming & spurting from their nostril, the one with those dry crusts around the rim, then, still clinging from earlier effusions, there.

“…just saying.”

(((^ __ ^)))

[Bodwyn Wook

[all rights revert to holders

[5 October 2014]

Pollyanna Says…

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Pollyanna says…

“Now subliminally it just may be that our collective reaction against the rather carefully produced Tee Vee version of Islam is lodged NOT in resentment of the bomb outrages — after all, we really, really do NOT care for each other THAT much, not in our individualistic & libertarian ‘culture’ now frankly gone libertine….

Nope — what REALLY rankles our (mostly bare!) asses is that these people appear to actually follow a system of values that seems to have some notion that people should keep their clothes ON in public.

I mean, Christ, what else IS there do you think that could possibly piss off a load (!)  of pornographers MORE?

Because Islam just wants people to put their clothes BACK on in public…

…just saying.”

[[[^ __ ^]]]

[Bodwyn Wook

[all rights revert to holders

[4 October 2014]

Pollyanna Says….

[[[[^ __ ^]]]


Pollyanna says….

“IS there to be never again ANY dignity whatsoever in Life left at all for men…let alone a brief break, if only on the verge of the pit of Hell, from the nonstop sex uproar & general obscenity, of an admittedly already doomed ‘dominant’ species? 

“And, IF this hoaxy tale be even true, how many small animals were tortured in so-called ‘research’ laboratories in the perverted quest for such filthy…profits?

“Phooey…to ALL of that!

“I  am going get RID of the God-damn ‘donor’ thingy on my driving license ASAP.

“And, so should YOU, too, especially if you do NOT want your so-called ‘brain’ sold by “your” bankrupt state & federal governments & shipped in pickle jars off to…China!

“…just saying.”

[[[^ __ ^]]]

[Bodwyn Wook

[all rights revert to holders

[4 October 2014]


“Get ready…get READ-Y!”

[James Thurber]

by B “C Darwin” Wook


Most of all, those of us who can remain calm in the face of the collapse of this latest (NB) biosphere probably will make the best choices out of the remorselessly FEW options now left.

For with any sort of REAL luck, the present “dominant species” on this world WILL be Continue Reading »

Who Loves Beyond Love Opens Wide The Gates

by a dervish


In the harsh light of any atrocity & “IF something like the following disappointingly enough feels as if it is pretty resigned, ‘powerless’ & reads as if ‘it is all I can do,’ then let it BE all & in ALL the worlds.”

[Mohammed Nezhmi, Fez, 1979 AD/1399 AH]



After witnessing enough material & bodily horror in the World “as it is,” then some in repudiation of misery may choose to quit eating meat, fish, dairy & so on; this in turn also may Continue Reading »


“Omnia veram benevolentiam in secretum iugiter fit et tantum in occulto.”

[Winston Gamm ‘abu al-Haq, Institute 97th]

scripsit B Wookem


The normal conflation or misidentification of largely-immiscible “substances” discussed here simply is Continue Reading »